Time for the Kyoto Global Design Awards
Your participation is a valuable contribution to the world of design and an opportunity to inspire future talented designers!
Now, It’s Your Time to Shine.
The Kyoto Global Design Awards is an international awards program that welcomes participants from all nationalities and backgrounds.
It aims to celebrate design as a whole, serving as an important platform
for designers, architects, innovators and freelancers from all design fields to showcase their projects worldwide.
Please Select One of the Options
The Kyoto Global Design Awards is an independent international design competition established with the aim of recognizing outstanding designers and design projects from across the globe. Designers and companies interested in participating in the Kyoto Global Design Awards may submit creations in this section.
ADP member
Asia Designer Communication Platform (ADP) is an international association that promotes design as a whole and addresses the interests of the design community. Companies and designers who are members of ADP can benefit from special conditions when entering their projects into one or several of The Kyoto Global Design Awards’ 7 categories.
In order to promote future talent, the Kyoto Global Design Awards encourage outstanding university students to submit their designs in one of the 7 categories.